Sunday, September 18, 2011

" The Lesser of Two Evils "

Due to the current level of political discord ,
uh discourse , yeah discourse . . . .

Due to the current level of political discourse
in our country . . . .

We're down , to the choice between ,
" The Lesser of Two Evils " .

I'd like to make an analogy ,
of the choice between ,
" The Lesser of Two Evils " .

Here  in front of us we have ,
two piles of shit .

One is cat shit and the other is dog shit .

Either ,
is a pretty shitty choice .

Thanks to our political process , your choices
have been narrowed down to these two .

Great system isn't it . . . .

We had other choices . Let's see , there was bull shit ,
horse shit , chicken shit . . . .

Petty shit , but it wasn't worth getting into . . . .

And , I hate to say it , but in spite of the separation
of church and state , there was quite a bit of
h-o-l-e-y shit . . . .

There was full o' shit , but since that pretty much applied
to everyone involved , it wasn't really a choice so much ,
as what you see is what you get . . . .
O-h-h shit ! , came up a couple of times ,
but , it all came out okay . . . .

Deep shit was even brought up .
But , I'd rather not get into that . . . .

Shithouse was mentioned ,  but ,
that wasn't a choice so much ,
as where we were headed ,
up shit creek without a paddle . . . .

There was mention of a shitlist ,
but I think they meant the primary candidates . . . .

Some of them ,
scared us shitless . . . .

I think we've had more ,
than our ration of shit . . . .

A shitpot full ,
what a crock . . . .

Now on the surface ,
and I really don't think ,
you'd want to go any deeper than that . . . .

It looks like , no matter what your choice is ,
you'll be in a world of shit .

You'd be right . . . .

That's the choice between ,
the " Lesser of Two Evils " . . . .

And , although I'm a cat person ,
I don't think , I've covered ,
all the shit . . . .

In passing , I'd like to add ,
we'd all better stock up on tp . . . .

All this time the Mayans were right about 2012 . . . .

there's a shitstorm on the way .


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